The effect on fire dynamics in residential fires due to modern construction techniques, floor plans, and use of polymer materials is well studied. Less effort has focused on the impact on fire hazards from changes in vehicle design and changes in production techniques, material types and material usage in vehicle construction. Additionally, the adoption of different motor technologies and the use of alternative fuels such as battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells present different vehicle configurations and burn characteristics. Large lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles may represent a change in the type of hazard and required fire protection and firefighting techniques in parking structures. These developments will have significant implications touching on many different areas, such as design of parking garages and vehicle carriers, suppression systems, as well as firefighter tactics. While still low in percentage of total sales, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road around the world has increased in the last few years representing 2-4% of all sales. The rate of sales growth is also rising dramatically, nearly doubling from 2017 to 2018 [IEA, 2019]. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are currently less developed and mainly still in the research stage, with a few thousand sold and refueling stations limited to a few test areas [Antoni et.al., 2018]. The goals of this project are to review current literature on vehicle fire hazards and protection requirements, thoroughly identify and evaluate the hazards associated with modern vehicle fires, including how, and to what degree, they may differ from older vehicles. Current design guidelines, codes and criteria for vehicle storage facilities and carriers will be evaluated, and how these structures and vehicles may be impacted by fires. Finally, guidelines and areas for further research will be discussed.


Personkøretøj, Thermal Runaway, P-anlæg, Transport af batterier

Sidst opdateret 1. marts, 2022 - Kl. 11.02